In reply to Looks like a 1940 Miss by mybulova_admin
In reply to this advert I also noticed, by jabs
Hello wmc533, welcome to myBulova, I like your watch very much. I'm a fan of heirloom watches - especially Bulova. I think you are most fortunate to have this keepsake.
I agree that the case is similar but I don't think it is a Miss America for the resaons Jaroslav points out above. That I know, the Miss America watches were not available in solid gold.
Not having found a advert match I would have to ID this beauty as Unknown. Thanks for sharing it.
Oh, one more thing, the date of this watch should be changed to 1940. The omega code does represent two different years, the style of this watch case is clearly 1940's era.
Good call; if "A" designates 1940 as believed, that would indicate that "E" designates 1944. Ad is dated 1945.
Owner states it was a 50th anniversary gift. It's been 5 years since posting. Chances are not good but it would sure help if owner could provide the year of the anniversary if known..
1944 Sandra
looks like a case, face, jewel count and ad match.