Added 26 March 2011 Finally vetted as AA "Q" on 4/15/11 with addition of evidentiary advertisements.
In reply to Doesnt have the curtain by shooter144
secs marker is only thing I see wrong if we agree the x dial was used..looks like some discoloration on the upper lft dial so if its a redial its older. None in the data base have anything but hash marks for the secs eyes are too sore from being sick to sort thru blurry ads.
shooter, I checked the ads for you and do not see a match, either. I notice that in the database there is an AA "B", "CC", "D", etc. Do these represent subspecies? The discoloration is from a shadow when I photographed, I removed the case and dial and it appears to be original, but who knows? Definately has the quadrant crystal. Perhaps a subspecie of "His Excellency"? Shares the same movement and there are similarities in the scalloped case.
In reply to Case is correct (assuming the by FifthAvenueRes…
"Franklin 17 Jewels," "Her Excellency VV" and "Academy Award N," but I didn't find, nor post, the ad crop??? Also, I (and others) have clearly posted at least 2- 3+ ads for "AA" watches... showing "hers" as non curtain dials, sold as "Academy Award" models... AND THEY AIN'T "BLURRY..."
A clear enough case for "price tiered" (off white, "X" two tone, silver and gold curtain) releases, me thinkst?! If not... prove me WRONG?? Perhaps the ads mentioned "AA" only to bait and switch- up (i.e. UPSELL) at the Jeweler??? (Just Gotta LOVE large companies, EH?)
:-) Scott
I disagree, It does not have the curtain dial, the photo in the ad above is illegible and proves nothing to me. As far as I am concerned, It is a post lawsuit Bulova Excellency.
Fifth, where did this ad originate?, who has the original ? I requested info this when Scott 1st presented it months ago and I will continue to dispute it's authenticity until someone delivers the original dated ad to mybulova admin for verifacation.
Without a dated original ad, ............anything can be photo shopped, especially a low res scan of a magazine ad.